“Love, Hope, and Light in the Community” |
December 14, 2008 ~ No. 49 Vol. XLII |
9:30 SUNDAY SCHOOL “Coping with multiple commitments” - Discussion led by Ronald Friesen 10:30 WORSHIP Gathering
Listening Responding
Announcements .If you are visiting us for the first time today we hope that you feel welcome. We would appreciate it if you could fill out the “Welcome” card in the pew backs and drop them in the offering plate so we can get to know you. All those interested in Christmas Caroling can meet at the church tonight at 4:00 pm. We will plan a light meal together following our time of caroling and Ronald and Mim Friesen will share from their recent trip to Mongolia and China following the meal. Today we welcome Jason Axford as he brings our morning message. Jason works as a counselor at Woodrow Wilson and has previously served as Youth Pastor at Waynesboro Mennonite. Prayer Concerns
Sunday, December 7, 2008 Worship attendance 41 Offering $1380.00 Next Sunday, December 21, 2008 Sunday School leader: Marvin Showalter Worship Leader: Kathy Zendt Music Leader: Lowell Wenger |
"No one truly knows Christ unless they follow Him daily in life" - Hans Denck |