Staunton Mennonite Church

2405 3rd St - Staunton, VA 24401
Phone 540 886-5869
Office hours Monday and Friday, 9am until 1pm
Kevin Gasser, Pastor - 540 292-4507
Glenn Zendt - Elder - Phone 886-3550
Greeters for January: Glenn & Kathy Zendt
Nursery this week: Marlene Wenger - Nursery next Week: Kathy Zendt

“Love, Hope, and Light in the Community”

January 18, 2009  ~ No. 3 Vol. XLIII



Choosing among commitments - Discussion led by Ronald Freisen



Announcements - Deona Houff
Call to Worship
Children's Time - Kevin Gasser


Worshiping in Song - Lowell Wenger
Moment in Mission
Offering - Deona
Sharing/Congregational Prayer


Scripture Reading -  Genesis 1:26-27 &31
                                Galatians 3:23-29


"Created in the Image of God" - Pastor Kevin Gasser


Hymn of Response - Lowell
Benediction - Kevin


If you are visiting us for the first time today we hope that you feel welcome. We would appreciate it if you could fill out the “Welcome” card in the pew backs and drop them in the offering plate so we can get to know you.

There will be a carry-in meal at Staunton Mennonite on January 25th immediately following the church service. Please bring a dish to share.

Our library has many new additions. There is also a place to bring your own books, videos, and CDs to share. Please make sure your name and contact information is included in anything that you might want back.

Memorial Baptist Church is offering a self-served communion each weekday morning from 6-9 am through Easter.

Everyone is invited to a daylong event of food, fun, and entertainment for all ages at the Virginia Mennonite Retirement Community Winter Fest 2009 on January 31st at VMRC. See your mailboxes for a list of planned events or visit

Prayer Concerns

  • Please pray for a peaceful resolution to the conflict between Israel and Palestine.
  • Pray for our friends and family members that have been dealing with various illnesses recently.
  • Praise God for the way people in this congregation have been able to relate to people, bringing them closer to Christ.

Galatians 3:28, “There is no longer Jew or Greek, there is no longer slave or free, there is no longer male and female; for all of you are one in Christ Jesus.”


  Sunday, January 11, 2009
Worship attendance 44
Offering $1,436.50
Next Sunday, January 25, 2009
Sunday School leader:  Danny Weaver
Worship Leader:  Kristin Sharp
Music Leader: Glenn Zendt

"No one truly knows Christ unless they follow Him daily in life" - Hans Denck