
2405 3rd St - Staunton, VA 24401
Phone 540 886-5869
Office hours Monday and
Friday, 9am until 1pm
Kevin Gasser, Pastor
- 540 292-4507
Glenn Zendt - Elder - Phone 886-3550
Greeters for February: Ron & Mim Friesen
Nursery this week: Joyce Showalter - Nursery next Week: Florence Showalter
“Love, Hope, and Light in the Community” |
February 22, 2009
~ No. 8 Vol. XLIII |
- Discussion led by Jim Delp
Gathering Song: Susan Huyard
Announcements: Mike Sharp
Call to Worship
Children’s Time: Kevin Gasser
Worshiping in Song: Susan Huyard
Moment in Mission:
Offering: Mike
Sharing/Congregational Prayer
Scripture Reading: 2 Kings 2:1-12
"Fully Committed to Each Other" -
Pastor Kevin Gasser
Hymn of Response - Susan
Benediction - Pastor Kevin
Announcements .
Peggy Blosser would like to thank everyone for their prayers and acts
of caring during her recent hospitalization and recovery.
SMC will hold a “Valentines Banquet” this afternoon at the Buckhorn Inn
beginning at 3:00. There will be live music provided by the Galloway
Family. Please sign up on the bulletin board.
**If anyone is interested in hiking before the meal, please see Kevin
after church.
There will be a prayer meeting this Wednesday, the 25th, at SMC beginning
at 7:00.
Today is that last day for early enrollment for those interested in
Mennonite Mutual Aid’s Stewardship University, March 7th at Parkview
Mennonite Church in Harrisonburg. SMC will be covering the expense for our
attendees. See Glenn Zendt if you are interested.
There is an opening for the Greeters for the month of March. See Kevin if
you are interested.
Mennonite Women of Staunton, save the date of March 16th as we plan to
meet at the church for food, fun, and fellowship beginning at 6:00.
Prayer Concerns
- Please pray for
Michael Zook Friesen and family as he heals from a hernia and they
consider options for his heart condition.
- Please pray for
Peggy Blosser as she recovers at home from a mild stroke.
- Please pray for
those struggling from seasonal illnesses.
- Remember those who
are struggling through the difficult economic times world-wide.

2 Kings 2:2b, 4b, and 6b: “As the Lord lives, and as you yourself live, I
will not leave you.”
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Worship attendance 45
Offering $946.00
Next Sunday, March 1, 2009
Sunday School leader: Danny Weaver
Worship Leader: Kathy Zendt
Music Leader: Glenn Zendt |
"No one truly
knows Christ unless they follow Him daily in life" -
Hans Denck |