
2405 3rd St - Staunton, VA 24401
Phone 540 886-5869
Office hours Monday and
Friday, 9am until 1pm
Kevin Gasser, Pastor
- 540 292-4507
Glenn Zendt - Elder - Phone 886-3550
“Love, Hope, and Light in the Community” |
October 18, 2009
~ No 42 ~ Vol. XLIII |
“Pleading for Mercy” - Led by Glenn Zendt
Gathering Song: Susan Huyard
Announcements: Dwight Huyard
Call to Worship
Children's Time: Pastor Kevin Gasser
Baby Dedication and Reception of New Members
Worshiping in Song: Susan
Offering: Dwight
Sharing/Congregational Prayer
Scripture Reading: Deuteronomy
Sermon: “Keep
these Words:
Pastor Kevin
Hymn of Response: Susan
Benediction: Pastor Kevin
Announcements .
Everyone is welcome to stay after the worship service today for a meal
to welcome the Cassels to Staunton Mennonite Church. Let us celebrate in
God’s abundance!
Today is the last Sunday to register for the Mennonite Women of Virginia
conference to be held November 13th-15th. Please see Sonya with any
We are still collecting gently used shoes and School Kits for various
charities. See the bulletin board for more information.
There will be an evening of praise and an installation service for Beryl
Jantzi as the next Southern District overseer on November 15, beginning at
6:00 pm at Springdale.
There will be a “Good Sense Budgeting Seminar” at Stuarts Draft Mennonite
on October 24th, from 8:30-1:00. See Kevin for details.
Prayer Concerns:
- Jim Echard as he adjusts to life at Envoy of Staunton nursing home.
- Danny Weaver as he recovers from knee surgery
- Those who are without adequate income during these slower economic
Deuteronomy 6:6-7, “Keep these words that I am commanding you today
in your heart. Recite them to your children and talk about them when you
are at home and when you are away, when you lie down and when you rise.”
Thank you for
joining us in worship today. If this is your first time at Staunton
please fill out the “Welcome” card in the back of the pew and
place it in the offering plate.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
Worship attendance 54
Offering $1374.63
Next Sunday, October 25, 2009
Sunday School Leader ~ Danny Weaver
Worship Leader ~ Danny Weaver
Music Leader ~ Lowell Wenger

Photo by A. D. Strickland |
"No one truly
knows Christ unless they follow Him daily in life" -
Hans Denck |