
2405 3rd St - Staunton, VA 24401
Phone 540 886-5869
Office hours Monday and
Friday, 9am until 1pm
Kevin Gasser, Pastor
- 540 292-4507
Glenn Zendt - Elder - Phone 886-3550
“Love, Hope, and Light in the Community” |
January 3, 2010
~ No 1 ~ Vol. XLIV |
“Declaring identity” led by Garlan Yoder
Announcements: Sonya Gasser
Call to Worship and Opening Prayer
Worshiping in Song: Glenn Zendt
Scripture Reading: Sonya
Isaiah 60:1-6
Candle Lighting:
Children’s Time:
Continuing in Song: Glenn
Sermon: “Come
to the light” -
Pastor Kevin Gasser
Litany of Response: Sonya
Congregational Sharing and Prayer
Closing Song: Glenn
Benediction: Kevin
Announcements .
There are some free Bibles in various translations available in the
fellowship hall. Please take as many as you can use/give away.
The Stonewall Brigade Band will present a Christmas Concert on Monday
evening, January 4th, beginning at 7:30 pm in the sanctuary of St. Paul's
United Methodist Church to benefit the Valley Mission.
A benefit concert presented by the Olivet Presbyterian Church and Staunton
Church of the Brethren will be held at the Staunton Church of the Brethren
on January 10th at 7:00. A free will offering will be taken for the Blue
Ridge Area Food Bank.
There will be a Financial Peace University held at the Cornerstone Church
of Broadway. This is at 13-week course beginning on January 12th and will
meet weekly at 6:30 pm. See Garlan for more information.
Prayer Concerns:
- Malcolm Sykes as he struggles with various health issues.
- Paul Duncan (Howard’s brother) as he recovers from heart surgery.
- Fred Black (Howard’s cousin) who was recently diagnosed with a type
cancer in his circulatory system
- A great New Year for all!

Isaiah 60:3, “Nations shall
come to your light, and kings to the brightness of your dawn.”
Thank you for
joining us in worship today. If this is your first time at Staunton
please fill out the “Welcome” card in the back of the pew and
place it in the offering plate.
Sunday, December 27, 2009
Worship attendance 42
Offering $2652.00
Next Sunday, January 10, 2010
Sunday School Leader ~ Glenn Zendt
Worship Leader ~ Marvin Showalter
Music Leader ~ Garlan Yoder

Photo by A. D. Strickland |
"No one truly
knows Christ unless they follow Him daily in life" -
Hans Denck |