Lesson Title
“Faith Glimpses the Finish Line Already ”-led by Marvin Showalter
10:30 WORSHIP Service
We Gather
Prelude/Gathering Song
Call to Worship
Opening Prayer
We Praise
Congregational singing
We Hear
Children’s Time
Scripture Reading: 1st Timothy 6:17-19
Message: “Wise use of a limited resource”
We Respond
Congregational Sharing/Prayer Time
Closing song
Today's Leaders
*Song leader: Glenn Zendt
*Worship leader: Garlan Yoder
*Accompanist: Sandy Carter
*Message: Kevin Gasser
There will be a Prayer Meeting at Staunton Mennonite this Wednesday
beginning at 7:30 pm.
Rehoboth Jail and Prison Ministry will be having their 25th annual Day of
Jubilee in Schuyler, starting at 11:00, on September 29th . Bring lawn
chairs and a dish to share. For directions call: (434) 831-2593.
This year’s Walk to End Alzheimer’s will be held at Gypsy Hill Park,
beginning at 8:00 am, on September 29th. Please talk to George Weaver for
more information.
Please bring all completed school kits to church next Sunday so they can
be delivered for the Relief Sale.
Save the date: Our annual Fall Harvest Party is scheduled for October
21st. More details to come as the date gets closer.
Prayer For:
Susan Huyard, BJ Rohr, Dorcas Hanbury, and Merton
Greenleaf, our friends
and family dealing with cancer and its treatment.
The Mennonite Women of Virginia as they gather for
their annual retreat this weekend.
Paul Duncan as he heals following gallbladder surgery.
Velma Shenk, recovering from a brain hemorrhage.
The new babies in our
Psalm 24:1, “The earth is the
Lord’s, and everything in it, the world, and all who live in it.” |

Photo by A. D. Strickland
Sunday, September 16,
Worship Attendance 44
Offering $1,773.00
Next Sunday, September 30, 2012
Sunday School ~
Worship Leader ~ Sylvia Yoder
Music Leader ~ Joe Shenk |
Thank you for joining us in worship
today. If this is your first time at Staunton Mennonite,
please fill out the “Welcome” card in the back of the pew and place
it in the offering plate. |
"No one truly
knows Christ unless they follow Him daily in life" -
Hans Denck |