“Love, Hope, and Light in the Community” |
May 19, 2013 |
No.20 |
Vol. XLVlI |
Lesson Title
“Serving One Another Instead of Our Passions”-led by
Marvin Showalter
10:30 WORSHIP Service
We Gather
Gathering Song
Call to Worship
Opening Prayer
We Praise
Congregational Singing
We Hear
Children’s Time
Scripture Reading: Acts 2:1-21 (dramatic reading)
Sermon: “Catching the Wind”
We Respond
Sharing/Prayer Time
Closing Song
Today's Leaders |
*Accompanist: Sandy Carter
*Song leader: Susan Huyard
*Worship leader: Sonya Gasser
*Offertory: Emy Yoder
*Scripture readers: Peggy Blosser, Kathy Zendt, and Sonya Gasser
*Message: Kevin Gasser |
We are collecting toilet paper for the Valley Mission through the end of
May. Please place your donations in the Fellowship Hall.
If you missed last Sunday’s opportunity to donate to Virginia Mennonite
Conference and Virginia Mennonite Missions you may still designate funds
today by earmarking checks “VMM/VMC.”
On Sunday, May 26th, we will welcome the Bethel Mountain Band
to our worship service. We will have a social time from 9:30-10:00 with
the band playing its first set from 10:00-10:30. Our regular worship time
will include some of the usual elements but the band will lead us in an
extended time of worship.
A Pastoral Review Evaluation Form has been placed in your mailbox. The
goal of the evaluation is to seek ways to improve the ministry of the
congregation and to strengthen the effectiveness of the members through a
variety of questions. Your responses will be shared with Kevin and a
summary will be presented at a church council meeting. Please return your
completed form to Dwight by June 9, 2013.
Prayer For:
Those who have been affected by the recent bombing in
Boston, explosion in Texas, and other disasters around the world.
Bill Charles, BJ Rohr and Merton Greenleaf, our friends
and family dealing with cancer and its treatment.
Acts 2:2, “Suddenly a sound
like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven
and filled the whole house where they were sitting.” |

Photo by A. D. Strickland |
Sunday, May 5, 2013
Worship Attendance 39
Offering ~ $2054.00
Next Sunday, May 19, 2013
No Sunday School
Worship Leader ~ Dwight Huyard
Music Leader ~ Bethel Mountain Band |
No one truly
knows Christ unless they follow Him daily in life" -
Hans Denck
Thank you for joining us in worship
today. If this is your first time at Staunton Mennonite,
please fill out the “Welcome” card in the back of the pew and place
it in the offering plate. | |