“Love, Hope, and Light in the Community” |
24, 2013 |
No. 47 |
Vol. XLVlI |
Greeters for
Peggy & Nelson Blosser |
Nursery this week:
Huyards |
Next week:
Marlene/Amina |
This month is Mission Month
Lesson Title
“Beginning of the Tabernacle”
led by Danny Weaver
10:30 WORSHIP Service
We Gather
Gathering Song
Call to Worship
Opening Prayer
We believe that God is in the midst of
our city. We believe that
God’s help always comes. It is because of our beliefs that we
gather to worship the God who made heaven and earth.
We Praise
Congregational Singing
Lord, today we offer our material
possessions, and ourselves, to
you. All things were created through you and for you. We are in
awe of your power and glory. So, then, may we use all that has
been created, for your glory and the glory of your kingdom. In
your name, Amen.
We Hear
Children’s Time
Scripture Reading: Colossians 1:9-20
Sermon: “Give thanks to the King of kings”
Leader: We acknowledge that we are broken people.
People: We admit that we have fallen short more than once.
Leader: Like a shepherd who has destroyed his flock, we have
broken promises to God and to each other.
People: We ask for forgiveness.
(Pause for silence.)
All: May we all be made strong by the glorious power of
God who forgives all. ~ Rachel Ringenberg Miller, Portland, Oregon
Congregational Sharing/Prayer Time
Closing Song
Today's Leaders |
*Accompanist: Sandy Carter
*Song leader: Lowell Wenger
*Worship leader: Danny Weaver
*Message: Kevin Gasser |
There will be a Prayer Meeting this Wednesday at 7:00 pm.
Mennonite Central Committee has begun its response to Typhoon Haiyan,
providing funding for immediate needs and supporting partners in an
initial assessment team and determining needs for long-term recovery. To
donate to this effort, please go to mcc.org/typhoon-response. Thank you
for your prayers for people grieving and suffering in the storm's wake.
The Staunton Mennonite Women will be meeting on December 4th at 6:00 pm at
the church for their annual Christmas Dinner. Cost is $15. Men, we can
figure something out, right?
Mary Baldwin College cordially invites you to their Choir Concert on
December 5th at First Presbyterian Church, beginning at 7:30 pm. The
program will feature the Missa Brevis in D by Benjamin Britten, Mozart,
Rutter, and many more. Admission is free.
Prayer For:
Those affected by the typhoon in the Philippines.
Sharon Getman (Kadrin’s mom), recovering from double
knee replacement surgery.
The after-school program at the Valley Mission and those
from our congregation providing leadership.

Colossians 1:15,
“The Son is the image of the invisible God,
the firstborn over all creation.” |

Photo by A. D. Strickland |
Sunday, November 17, 2013
Worship Attendance 55
Offering ~ $ 1,813.00
Next Sunday, December 1, 2013
First Sunday of Advent
Sunday School ~ Garlan Yoder
Worship Leader ~ Sonya Gasser
Music Leader ~ Susan Huyard |
No one truly
knows Christ unless they follow Him daily in life" -
Hans Denck
Thank you for joining us in worship
today. If this is your first time at Staunton Mennonite,
please fill out the “Welcome” card in the back of the pew and place
it in the offering plate. | |