Greeters for
Danny & Frances Weaver |
Nursery this week:
Huyards |
Next week:
Sonya/Florence |
“Jesus Resists Temptation” – led by
Garlan Yoder
10:30 WORSHIP Service
gather to worship the One who has been revealed to us.
We put our faith, hope, and trust in the God who raised Christ
from the dead and gave him glory. We worship as those who
have been born anew, as those who demonstrate obedience and
love. We worship because our eyes have been opened and we
have seen the Lord.
We Gather
Gathering Song
Call to Worship
Opening Prayer
Leader: The Lord listens to
our voices.
People: What shall we return to the Lord?
Leader: The Lord listens to our voices.
People: We will pay our vows to the Lord.
Leader: The Lord listens to our voices.
People: We will offer thanksgiving sacrifices.
Leader: The Lord listens to our voices.
All: Praise the Lord!
We Praise
Generous God, you have been
gracious to us. You have shown
your love to us time and again, and sustained us as a faith community.
You have given us material possessions as well, and
we ask that you help us use them wisely and according to your
Today we return your gifts to further the work of your
kingdom and extend your love and peace in the world. Receive
our offerings as an expression of our gratitude and love for you.
Amen. — Mary Ann Weber, Goshen, Indiana
We Hear
Children’s Time
Scripture Reading: Isaiah 55
Gideons Report: The Word of God
We Respond
Congregational Sharing/Prayer Time
Closing Song
Today's Leaders |
Today we welcome James Taylor to our worship service.
James is a member of the Augusta North Camp of the Gideons International,
an organization dedicated to distributing the Bible throughout the world.
An offering basket is sitting at the back of the sanctuary to receive
donations for this ministry.
Virginia Mennonite Missions (VMM) invites you to "Around the World in a
Big Balloon," a Family Missions Festival celebrating the people and
ministries of VMM, on Sunday, May 11, 3-6 pm at the Eastern Mennonite
School gym. Come hear stories about the ministries and workers of VMM.
Other activities include musical performances by members of the Walking
Roots Band and a children’s choir, balloon twists & sleight of hand,
ethnic foods, tethered balloon rides, radio-controlled planes, and soccer
(five person teams).
Eastern Mennonite Schools invites you to the musical "Noah's Flood,"
May 16 & 17 at 7:30 pm in the EMS Auditorium. Come hear the beloved
Benjamin Britten opera, featuring the singing talents of the EMS Touring
Choir, and a children's choir of "animals." Proceeds from this event will
benefit the EMS Touring Choir. Tickets on sale NOW - $10 all ages, general
admission in advance (at EMS front office or through a Touring Choir
member) or at the door for $15, all ages, general admission.
A Brunk Revival Exhibit Dedication will be held on May 24, from 1
to 4 pm at The Valley Brethren-Mennonite Heritage Center. Enjoy
reminiscing with the Brunk family, singing the old revival songs, and
viewing the exhibit and other memorabilia. Dr. Myron Augsburger
will speak at the dedication service at 3 pm. Call (540) 438-1275 or visit for more information.

Dr. Myron Augsburger to speak at the dedication service of the
Brunk Revival Exhibit Dedication
May 24, 2014
Prayer For:
John 20:24 (MSG): “But
Thomas, sometimes called the Twin, one of the Twelve, was not with them
when Jesus came. The other disciples told him, ‘We saw the Master.’” |