“Jesus’ Mission on Earth” – led by
Glenn Zendt
10:30 WORSHIP Service
Call to Worship
O Lord, when we die, when we question, when we
stumble, when we seek refuge, when we are rejected,
when we are put to shame,
People: your face shines upon us.
Leader: O Lord, when we receive mercy, when we are satisfied,
when we are redeemed, when we are chosen, when we
are rescued,
People: your face shines upon us.
Leader: O Lord, when you show us the way, when you are a
rock of refuge, when you stand at the right hand of
God, when you deliver us,
People: your face shines upon us.
All: O Lord, indeed you are our rock and fortress, indeed
we have tasted that the Lord is good.
We Gather
Gathering Song ~ 12
Call to Worship
Opening Prayer
Jesus, we want to see you
in the glory of God,
and standing at God’s right hand.
Build us into a spiritual house, to be a holy priesthood,
and to offer spiritual sacrifices acceptable to God.
We confess to you our fear, our shame, our troubled hearts;
we ask your face to shine upon us, your servants.
We commit our spirits into your hand. Amen.
We Praise
Singing ~ 73, 344, 186 HWC
May God’s face shine upon you
with mercy, with reassurance,
with forgiveness, and with steadfast love.
—Don Yoder, Harrisonburg, Virginia
We Hear
Children’s Time
Scripture Reading: Revelation 13:1-4; 11-18
Message: “The Problem: Beastly Worship”
We Respond
Congregational Sharing/Prayer Time
Closing Song ~ 101 HWC
Today's Leaders |
Today we continue a series on “Redeeming Revelation.” The
sermons will build upon one another, so if you miss one, make sure to find
it at http://mennochurch.net/sermons/sermons14.htm, where both full-text
and audio versions can be accessed.
Our church’s roof is in need of some attention, particularly after the
heavy rain last week. Any additional financial contributions are
appreciated to help cover the cost of the repairs.
Are you interested in supporting a missionary in a very practical way?
Sylvia Yoder has a list of ways that you can contribute to missionaries
from Thailand to Harrisonburg through Mennonite Women of Virginia.
There will be a Women’s Care Group gathering at Kathy’s this Wednesday
beginning at 7:00 pm.
A Brunk Revival Exhibit Dedication will be held on May 24, from 1
to 4 pm at The Valley Brethren-Mennonite Heritage Center. Enjoy
reminiscing with the Brunk family, singing the old revival songs, and
viewing the exhibit and other memorabilia. Dr. Myron Augsburger will speak
at the dedication service at 3 pm. Call (540) 438-1275 or visit vbmhc.org
for more information.

Dr. Myron Augsburger to speak at the dedication service of the
Brunk Revival Exhibit Dedication
May 24, 2014
Prayer For: