Call to Worship
Come, let us worship in faith the God who is here and
desires our worship. Redeeming God, work in our
hearts, that our worship would be filled with the joy that
comes from remembering your splendor.
All: Oh, that you would reveal your joy to us, O Lord.
Leader: We celebrate the year of the Lord’s favor,
People: a time of comfort for those who mourn.
Leader: There will be crowns instead of ashes,
People: joyful anointing instead of mourning,
Leader: cloaks of praise instead of spirits of despair,
People: cities of renewal instead of devastation.
All: The Lord will wrap us in robes of righteousness. Come,
O God, and clothe us in garments of salvation.
Today in this safe but dark and holy place we become
aware of your presence, God. We focus now on our congregation
and the wider Anabaptist Mennonite church
People: We are a faithful church, but sometimes we’ve kept our
riches to ourselves.
Leader: Sometimes we have excluded the inquirer who has come
to our door seeking faith. Sometimes we’ve refused to
admit our weaknesses. Sometimes we’ve been too quiet
in the land. Sometimes we’ve helped those far away but
ignored our neighbors. Sometimes we’ve tried so hard to
serve that we’ve forgotten the joy of worshiping you. Hear
our honest confessions, O God, and remember us in mercy.
People: Restore to us the joy of being your faithful people.
All: Restore our joy, O
Advent–Epiphany worship resources are produced cooperatively by Mennonite
Church Canada Formation, the Denominational Ministry of Mennonite Church
USA, and Leader magazine. This year’s resources were written by a team
Mennonite Church Alberta of Mennonite Church Canada.
Bible readings for today: Isaiah 61:1-4, 8-11; Psalm 126 or
Luke 1:46b-55;
1 Thessalonians 5:16-24; John 1:6-8, 19-28 (7).
Bible readings for next Sunday:
2 Samuel 7:1-11, 16; Luke 1:46b-55 (46) or Psalm 89:1-4, 19-26; Romans
16:25-27; Luke 1:26-38