All are invited to join Waynesboro Mennonite Church as they celebrate
the 10th anniversary of their Celebrate Recovery program on December
5, at 6:30 p.m. What started out of a need in the congregation has met
the needs of many people throughout the community. We not only
celebrate the healing that has happened, but the faithful volunteers
who have given so generously to this ministry. Come and join us for an
evening of food, music, testimonies and a sermon on healing and hope.
All ages are invited to DoveTale, a family-friendly show that brings a
humorous and poignant look into the hearts and minds of Joseph, Mary,
and the Angel Gabriel as they confront the gritty realities of the
birth of Christ, Dec. 10, 7:30 p.m. in EMU’s Lehman Auditorium.
Pay-what-you-will; tickets available at 6 p.m.. A showtime freewill
offering will benefit student scholarships.
Please update your address books:
Garlan, Sylvia, Emy, Heavenli, and Grayson Yoder
3190 Wits End Way
Harrisonburg, VA 22802
Joe, Amina, Ari, and Jacob Shenk
18 Weston Dr.
Staunton, VA