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2405 3rd St - Staunton, VA 24401 -
540 886-5869
Office hours Monday and
Friday, 9am until 1pm
Pastor: Kevin
smcpastor@verizon.net 540 292-4507
Elder: Glenn Zendt - 886-3550
Find us at mennochurch.net, mennochurch.org, or mennochurch.com
“Love, Hope, and Light in the Community” |
April 7, 2019
N0. 13 |
Vol. LI |
9:30 Sunday
“Summoned for Service,” led by Garlan Yoder
10:30 Worship
We Gather
Opening Song - 48 HWB
Call to Worship Opening Prayer
We Praise
Congregational Singing - 119, 120,
580 HWB
We Hear
Children’s Time Scripture Reading: John 12:
1-8 Sermon: What a Waste
We Respond
Confession and Reconciliation
Congregational Prayer Time Closing Song - 398 HWB Benediction
Today's Leaders |
*Song Leader: Elizabeth Barron *Worship Leader:
Tate Love
*Accompaniment: Sandy Carter * Sermon: Kevin Gasser |
Kevin Gasser |
A |
Congratulation to Grayson Yoder and Duncan Love on qualifying for the
Regional Children’s Bible Quiz. Grayson was the top quizzer at the
Area Quiz scoring 39/40!!
Church Council will meet this
Wednesday at 7:00 pm. Devotions: Kevin.
All are invited to
the Blue Ridge Christian School “Musicians for Missions” event to
support the mission trip to Costa Rica. The concert will be help
Sunday, April 14 at Otterbein United Methodist Church, beginning at
3:00 pm. See the bulletin board for more information.
will be an Easter Breakfast carry-in meal on April 21, beginning at
8:30 am. Please bring pastries, breakfast casseroles, or fruit. Drinks
will be provided. Worship will begin at 10:00 am Easter Sunday.
There are free jars in the church foyer for anyone interested in
Please pray for:
- Marvin Showalter & AD Strickland as they
recover fron recent surgeries.

John 12:8, “You will always have the poor among you, but you will not
always have me.”

Photo by A. D. Strickland |
Sunday, March 31, 2019
Worship Attendance - 46
Offering - $908.00
Next Sunday, April 14, 2019
Adult Sudday School ~ Duane Barron
Worship Leader ~ Garlan Yoder
Music Leader ~
Glenn Zendt
No one truly
knows Christ unless they follow Him daily in life" -
Hans Denck
Thank you for joining us in worship
today. If this is your first time at Staunton Mennonite,
please fill out the “Welcome” card in the back of the pew and place
it in the offering plate.
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